Why Not to Keto and Not to Diet
Why Not To Keto or Diet at all.
I hate “dieting”, and it’s the type of mentality I have my clients break away from. There’s too much researched information, and we know too much about food to have to cave into our old dieting ways. Creating a healthy lifestyle does not come from restrictions. It’s disappointing to see that we as a society are still depriving ourselves from the nutrition our body needs to follow a popular “diet”. We coy away from real wholesome, healthy foods.
By now, you’ve probably heard all about the famous ketogenic diet, the high-fat, low-carb eating style everyone’s talking about. And while the benefits of keto are pretty well known for weight loss and a suppressed appetite, the downsides are usually minimized by keto advocates. It is obvious that the positive aspects of a ketogenic diet are spoken about much more than the drawbacks. The ketogenic diet was introduced in the 1920s as a way to treat epilepsy; not for weight loss. What’s more, ketosis (the goal of keto, a state where the body uses fat for energy instead of carbs) is something seen in people during periods of starvation including in people with anorexia nervosa. The body is deprived of carbohydrates and thus has to turn to ketone bodies as a fuel source. People really need to understand the weight loss from this diet is generally not from eliminating carbs. The weight loss is water loss and from eliminating processed foods that a healthy balanced meal plan shouldn’t have anyway. Another thing to understand is when you go on a “diet”, ANY diet can make the scale down. Low carb, high carb, and even the “Twinkie diet”….all can result in initial weight loss. But that doesn’t mean these diets are healthy, sustainable long term, or beneficial for your activity level.
In regard to Keto, the first major drawback is the fact that we really don’t have any long-term research about how it effects keto followers. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition and I have researched this diet which personally I have tried in the past. I know first-hand of the foreseeing flaws. From brain fog, unstable hydration levels, negative impact on athletic performance, the keto flu, and funky breath are just a few of the long-term side effects. That’s why I’m a huge advocate of a well-balanced nutritional intake. If you really want to stop “dieting” and start living a healthy optimized lifestyle, fill out a request for a free 30 minute consultation with me https://www.ovoxmorganville.com/nutrition-progamming/ . I have years of experience guiding anyone looking to optimize their health whether it’s weight loss, improve performance or bodybuilding goals.
Marcos, ŌVOX Nutrition Coach